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Technical Reference

This is just a collection of information that I find useful. I am sure you can find it elsewhere on the web, but having it here makes it easy for me to find :-)

NEW! Regular Expression Validator
A handy JavaScript tool that is useful when testing regular expressions.

HTTP Status Code Chart
A table of server response codes - useful when debugging web applications.

Extended HTML Entity Reference Charts
Tables of HTML entity codes broken down into the following groups:

General Characters
General Punctuation
Greek Letters
Mathematical Symbols
Miscellaneous Shapes and Symbols


How to share a broadband connection
This is a useful article on broadband connection sharing. It describes three approaches: using Microsoft ICS, using a broadband router, and using a linux router.

Glossary of Broadband Internet Terms
This is a glossary of common broadband and networking terms, designed to compliment the above article on connection sharing.

Geek Stuff

Not exactly technical reference, but these Sony Ericsson K700i themes may well appeal to some geeks...