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Miscellaneous Shapes and Symbols: HTML Entity Chart

See also: General Charcters | General Punctuation | ASCII Range | Greek Letters | Mathematical Symbols

The following shows HTML entity codes and their representation in your browser.

Letterlike Symbols

℘  ℙ  ℚ  ℛ 
ℜ  ℝ  ℞  ℟ 
℠  ℡  ™  ℣ 
ℤ  ℥  Ω  ℧ 
ℨ  ℩  K  Å 
ℬ  ℭ  ℮  ℯ 
ℰ  ℱ  Ⅎ  ℳ 
ℴ  ℵ  ℶ  ℷ 


←  ↑  →  ↓ 
↔  ↵  ⇐  ⇑ 
⇒  ⇓  ⇔     

Miscellaneous Technical

⌈  ⌉  ⌊  ⌋ 
⌌  ⌍  ⌎  ⌏ 
⌐  ⌑  ⌒  ⌓ 
⌔  ⌕  ⌖  ⌗ 
⌘  ⌙  ⌚  ⌛ 
⌜  ⌝  ⌞  ⌟ 
⌠  ⌡  ⌢  ⌣ 
⌤  ⌥  ⌦  ⌧ 
⌨  〈  〉  ⌫ 

Geometric Shapes

◊  ○  ◌  ◍ 

Miscellaneous Symbols (Playing Card Symbols)

♠  ♡  ♢  ♣ 
♤  ♥  ♦  ♧